Friday, September 6, 2013

Me: So Many Changes... But They're Good Changes!

There are a lot of new and exciting things happening in and around our lives right now:

-I turned 40 and I am trying to figure out my career path...

-Mark is embarking on a new and exciting job of his own...

-Kai is turning 5 in October and has started French Immersion Kindergarten... and so far he LOVES it!

Kai: "Mommy, did you know that 'mouse' in French, is 'souris?' "
Me: "No Kai, I didn't know that. Did you learn that at school?"
Kai: "Yup!" *giggles like crazy*

-My dear ol' friends Ron and Jennie will be expecting their first child in a couple of months... Squee!

-My wonderful friends Kelly and her husband James had their second little boy, Thomas James. (That's him in the picture... In my defence, he had just woken up and was hungry. I hope that once he gets to know me better he'll smile with me in the next picture. *fingers crossed* As long as I don't come between him and his feedings :D But what an absolute cutie!)

-My lovely friend Missy is trying her hand at teaching clinical at UBC. And I KNOW she's kicking ass at it! Because she's incredibly awesome! Woot!

So many changes...

But I'm so full of crazy giddy optimism because they are all incredibly wonderful changes that is sure to bring more happies to everyone!

*love and hugs to all*