Thursday, March 27, 2014

Me: So Want... A Generic Tub of Pastel Legos.

Who knew a trip to Target would end up so thought provoking?

I rarely have moments where I'm vocal about my stance on things... Especially in public. But this was a moment where I felt the need to say something...

I was in the Target yesterday and was chatting with a cashier about how much we loved watching "The LEGO Movie", how cool the "Cloud Cuckoo Palace" set was, and how awesome LEGOs were when we were kids.

She went on to say how she isn't a big fan of the new Lego "Friends" sets. I agreed with her. But a woman who was standing off to the side (must have been the cashier's friend) said, "Well, girls need pink legos!" The cashier looked at her and said "No they don't. I played with legos as a little girl and I loved them. I didn't need pink legos!"

I agreed with her again. But I also added:

"I don't think girls, specifically, NEED pink legos. I think ALL kids should have equal access to ALL colours. My little boy had a fantastic time building the 'Cloud Cuckoo Palace.' He saw it for what it was. A cool thing to build... pink bricks and all. I'm lucky that my son doesn't see colours as feminine or masculine (at least for the moment...) He loves them all. He has preferences of course. Who doesn't? But to him, pink is just a colour that's equal with all the others."

I honestly don't mind that there are pink, lavender, and sky blue bricks in the world. I love the idea of more colours... However, I DO mind that those colours are being marketed EXCLUSIVELY to girls.

If I could, I would buy a generic (Non-"Friends") tub of  pastel coloured bricks to mix with all the other coloured bricks we have. That way my son can play with any colour he wants.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

What a truly Wonderful Day!!!

I just have to say... 

*sigh* What A Day... What a truly WONDERFUL day!!!

It's rare that a "day with my son" is as heart-warming as today was. Time "together" gets easily lost in the everyday grind of daily life. And I found myself feeling a little sad... But then my little boy surprised me with a beautiful moment.

While my darling boy and I were having lunch, the "Cups (When I'm Gone)" song came on the radio in the Tim Hortons. He looked at me and we both started singing it (we love that song). Then he stopped to take a bite of his bagel, looked at me so sweetly and said, "Mommy, I'm gonna miss you when I'm gone*..." to which i replied "Awww... Me too, Sweetie!" and we smiled at each other with the biggest goofiest grins we could make. 

It was such a precious moment. And it will always be OURS. I want more of those moments... So I think i'm gonna have to make sure i have more days like these.    

*(just to clarify... the "gone" bit is referring to when he sometimes goes to Nana & Grampa's for a weekend" :D )